How to Make a Home Office in a Small Space

How to make a home office in a small space

With many more people working remotely, finding a suitable area to work from has become a challenge for some. Trying to figure out a space in your home where you can be productive, comfortable, and free of distractions can seem impossible, especially when living in a small space. Don’t let your small house, apartment, or studio prevent you from creating your ideal home office. Here are ways to make a completely functional home office in your small space—and how self storage can help.

Take Advantage of Empty Space

Take advantage of empty space

To get started, take a stroll around your home and search for empty spaces you aren’t using. There may be areas you pass by every day that might be perfect for a home office. For instance, look for empty corners in your bedroom, in your kitchen, or in your living room that you can easily transform into an everyday office space. You don’t need a huge amount of space, either, especially if you’re simply working from a laptop.

Make sure you don’t look over some of the unique spaces around your home that you can use. For instance, empty corners, small nooks, space under the staircase, and attics all will work great as an office space. Even if there aren’t many empty spaces in your home now, use your imagination for areas that you can rearrange to create extra space. You’ll soon find that you have more space than you initially thought.

Consider Using Your Closet

If you have an extra closet in your small home or apartment that you’re not using, consider transforming it into your home office. Also known as a “cloffice”, this is an easy and simple way to create your home office space. Not only will this office take up minimal space, but all of your office supplies will be kept in a central, organized location.

Choose the Right Furniture

Mounted Furniture

Mounted furniture

Once you’ve found a space that works, it’s time to start thinking about the furniture you’ll need. Mounted furniture, for example, is great for small spaces because they don’t take up ground space. There are plenty of mounted desks (also known as floating desks) and organizers you can choose from that help optimize your space.

Additionally, fold-down desks are an option when space is really limited. Fold-down desks are desks that are mounted on the wall and are designed to easily fold away to help maximize space. This way, the desk is only taking up space while you’re using it and up and out of the way when you’re not.

Multifunctional Furniture

Multifunctional furniture is ideal for small space offices because if your furniture does take up a lot of space, at least you can use that space for multiple purposes. For instance, your dining room table can double as your desk during the daytime. One of your dining chairs can also double as a desk chair. There are also many different types of furniture pieces that are designed to be multifunctional in your home like this LED floor lamp that doubles as a three-tier shelf, so you get two uses out of one.

Don’t Shy Away from Decorations

Just because your home office space is small doesn’t mean you can’t make it your own. Spice up your home office by adding decorations that show your personality. If you can, add a pop of color by painting the walls of your office with a bright and fun color. Decorate your area with house plants, framed photos, stationery, a desk lamp, artwork, and more to help liven up the area. By adding these simple touches to your home office, you’ll create space where you can be comfortable, creative, and productive.

Store Your Extra Belongings in Self Storage

To help maximize your space, store the belongings that you don’t need immediate access to in your home in a storage unit. Using a self storage unit is ideal for storing seasonal clothing, seasonal decorations, and other large items that you don’t need on a day-to-day basis. At Storage King USA, we provide affordable storage solutions for those looking to declutter for extra space in their small home, apartment, or studio. We offer a wide selection of storage unit sizes ranging from 5×5 to 10×30, so you’ll have plenty of space to store just about anything. 

Don’t let your small space discourage you. Follow these steps, and you’ll have your desired home office in no time. To get started, find a Storage King USA near you today!

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